by Jordan Sok | Jul 7, 2021 | A Word From Robby, Team Updates, Trip Updates
I can’t believe we are halfway through 2021! It’s almost hard for me to wrap my mind around. Nevertheless, God is continuing to open many doors. This year has been a true blessing filled with opportunities and June was no exception. This June, our Conference Men’s...
by ReginaRussell | May 13, 2021 | A Word From Robby, Faith and Athletics, Featured, News & Events, Team Updates, Trip Updates
What a wonderful beginning to the year. It is hard to believe that one third of 2021 has already flown by! Quite mind blowing! Our Conference Softball team shot out of the starting gates at the Hall of Fame Classic Duel in Viera, Florida, April 8-11. The first being...
by Cameron Peek | Mar 31, 2020 | Faith and Athletics, Featured, News & Events, Trip Updates
The word ‘prison’ brings a negative connotation to our ears, doesn’t it? For the most part, avoiding prison is an honorable goal. Not for some students at Campbellsville University. Maggie Parrish, Hannah Vinson, Claire Edwards, Ashley Sheetz, and Caitlin Gage all...
by ReginaRussell | Mar 5, 2020 | Faith and Athletics, Featured, News & Events, Trip Updates
When we set up this mission trip, other than it being a little shorter than usual, there was nothing that made us think it would be an unusual one. But it really was! We had originally planned to have sixteen guys drive through the night from the Kentucky &...
by ReginaRussell | Sep 5, 2019 | Faith and Athletics, Trip Updates
From July 25-28 Sports Reach hosted the 14U and 16U Cincinnati Spikes for a mission trip to Puerto Rico. The Cincinnati Spikes are a Christian based baseball team that takes their teams on a missions trip every two years at the end of their summer ball travel season....
by ReginaRussell | Sep 3, 2019 | Faith and Athletics, Featured, Trip Updates
By Andrew Hammond Ever since 2016, Ukraine has quickly become a favorite location for Sports Reach. We initially got connected and involved in Ukraine through youth baseball. However, God has already opened doors and connected us to the highest level of professional...
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