by Cameron Peek | Apr 13, 2020 | A Word From Robby, Faith and Athletics, Featured, News & Events
With all that is going on in our world, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand things had to change. We had to cancel all of our trips that were planned through May and put the rest of the year on a TBA basis. We are praying and trusting that things will get...
by ReginaRussell | Jan 7, 2020 | A Word From Robby, Featured, News & Events
It is hard to imagine that 2020 is here! I’m not sure when or where 2019 slipped away. Every year many make “New Year’s Resolutions,” some kept but most just forgotten. As the end of the year was grazing closer, I kept trying to decide what our...
by ReginaRussell | Nov 5, 2019 | A Word From Robby, Faith and Athletics, Featured
“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians 6:18 PRAY FOR THEM Some people are wondering where they will find food today: Pray for them! There are families amid distress:...
by ReginaRussell | Oct 2, 2019 | A Word From Robby, Featured, News & Events
But…How? The last words spoken, before an individual passes away, are significant to those that love him or her. It usually signifies what is important. The last recorded instructions given by Jesus to His disciples is known as “The Great Commission.” But, what...
by ReginaRussell | Sep 3, 2019 | A Word From Robby
In the summer of 1987, Sports Reach (formerly known as Kentucky Baptist Sports Crusaders) headed to Kenya on a basketball mission trip. We were all excited about this two-week trip. We traveled all over the country, playing basketball and ministering. The response...
by ReginaRussell | Aug 16, 2019 | A Word From Robby, Faith and Athletics, News & Events
The Faith Step Sports Reach has never had a “theme” for the year. However, one morning, God woke me up earlier than normal. I slowly rolled out of bed and as I stood up the normal pain filled my legs. I remember thinking “good grief” how long is this pain going to...
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