“At Least One”
For the last few months, I’ve taken on an endeavor that I never imagined. I am now the leader of one of the men’s groups at our church. Initially, I thought “I just don’t have the time.” But, then they said, “You just come any Sunday you can, and we will handle the rest.” I had been thinking about it and this kicked me over the top: I love to teach the Bible, and this is an opportunity to do just that. I knew it would be a great blessing for me.
I’m writing this on Sunday evening September 11, today our lesson was James 2:1-13 about “not playing favorites at church.” As I was working on my lesson one word stuck in my brain: Poor. In verses 5-7, the word “poor” is there twice. The Lord was using that word to reinforce a truth of His.
Over the past 48 years of ministry, I’ve been approached by many individuals about providing financial help. Through most of my early years, it was pretty easy to just say, “No, I don’t have a lot of money”. As time went by, I really wanted to do more, but once again I had an excuse. I kept saying, “I can’t help everybody”. Though that is true, once again it was a cop-out.
These past several years, God has opened my heart to the obedience of helping more people. It has been a joy to be used in that way, but it still didn’t feel like enough. I really wanted to do more. I now understand the truth God had been trying to teach me for a long time: It’s not about how much you give or how many you give to, it’s solely about “doing what God wants you to do!”
God had been laying on my heart, “What more can we do through Sports Reach.” The Lord has given us more and more opportunities to partner with churches and other ministries to distribute shoes, clothing, sports equipment, food, water, money, and anything else some someone may need. I just knew it had to be what God wanted.
You need to ask God:
- What do you want me to do?
- Who am I to do this for?
- When do you want me to do it?
This is totally about being obedient to God. Be willing to just do one thing for one person on the spot. Just be ready now and see how things grow.
God’s Glory,