Below is a photograph of the 1976 Campbellsville College basketball team. When I saw this photo, I was really excited until I looked it over. This was a significant moment for me; I realized I wasn’t in the picture.

I want to share the turning point in my life. I started my basketball career on a slow note. I was redshirting “sitting out” my freshman year. I did get my first opportunity to go on a basketball mission trip to the Dominican Republic. My second season was just a little higher than “I’m just happy to be here.” I played a little but not a great deal. The summer of ‘76 was going to be my breakout year. I worked out viciously the entire months I was back home. This was going to be my time to fly. I was zoned in on having the year I had dreamed of. We had a bigger group of walk-ons just hopping for a chance to stay around. As the preseason progressed, I was playing pretty well. On our last Friday of preseason, Coach Coleman said he would post the list of the guys that made the squad next Monday. By now, I had been given a one-half scholarship to play, so I was feeling pretty good about the situation.

I was in a hurry to get back to the dorm because the Baptist Student Union was having a bowling party. During the walk back, I just couldn’t get one haunting thought out of my head: “What happens if I get cut?” Though I tried to shake the negativity, it still had a strong hold on me.

When I got to my room, I hit my knees to the ground and prayed, “Lord, you know how much I love basketball, and I’m ready to be the witness you desire. But if you want to do something else, I’m good with that.” Then, I headed to the bowling alley. The weekend was fine, though I was still praying and a little anxious. God kept just reminding me to trust Him.

Monday morning and the dreaded moment had come. I walked across campus to the gym. Here we were the moment has come. I looked at the list, and my name was nowhere to be found. My heart just sank. My life was ruined. I just broke down and hurried back to my dorm. Sadness had a grip on me. I could not stop thinking about how disappointed I was. Yes, it was a long Monday for me. I was blessed with friends that were trying to help ease the hurt, but it didn’t make it any easier. My Dad came up to just comfort me. It still was a really long day.

Tuesday brought a new day—oh, what a new day it was. The hurt that had brought me down was replaced by the Lord with a joy I can’t explain. Instead of “I was cut and basketball is over,” I was replaced with “I’m free” and “I don’t have to go to practice anymore.” I was filled with a freedom that I had never understood. Things began to change. God has blessed us in so many ways.

BOTTOM LINE: Here we are, some forty-six years from that October Monday. Thirty-nine years ago, Larry Pursiful and I formed Sports Reach. It is a ministry that uses a variety of sports to share the gospel around the world. We have ministered in 37 countries, 30 states, and 5 continents. All I can say is, “It’s all for God’s Glory.”

God’s Glory!


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