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From July 25-28 Sports Reach hosted the 14U and 16U Cincinnati Spikes for a mission trip to Puerto Rico. The Cincinnati Spikes are a Christian based baseball team that takes their teams on a missions trip every two years at the end of their summer ball travel season. Once in Puerto Rico, Sports Reach associate director Zach Arington and Luis Lopez lead the group. The team played three games each over the two days there. They were able to give gifts to the opposing teams and share the Gospel with the players, coaches, and fans. This ended up being around 250 people total. Many families of the Puerto Rican players were very grateful for the group to have came down during the political crisis and were in full support of the message shared. When not playing baseball, the group helped feed the homeless through Benito’s ministry. Benito is a close friend of Sports Reach and we have supported him with teams and funds over the years. The teams also helped to prepared sunflower beds on an urban farm in the area of Carolina. The local farmer is creating his farm on what was once a landfill so he appreciated all of the manpower help. Although short, the group loved the trip and took away many life experiences and friendships from the long weekend.


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